- 煤矸双能 X 射线图像多维度分析识别方法 [J]. 煤炭学报, 2021, 46(01): 300-309.(通讯作者,IF=5.694)
- Dual-energy X-ray transmission identification method of multi-thickness coal and gangue based on SVM distance transformation [J]. Fuel, 2023, 356: 129593. (通讯作者,IF=7.4)
- Multi-scale coal and gangue dual-energy X-ray image concave point detection and segmentation algorithm [J]. Measurement, 2022, 196: 111041.(IF=5.6)
- Study of raw coal identification method by dual-energy X-ray and dual-view visible light imaging [J]. Int J Coal Prep Util, 2022: 1-16.(IF=2.58)
- Shape selection recognition and scattering distribution prediction of adhesion targets in multi-scale dual-energy X-ray images of coal and gangue [J]. Int J Coal Prep Util, 2023: 1-22.(IF=2.58)
- Detection of Pits by Conjugate Lines: An Algorithm for Segmentation of Overlapping and Adhesion Targets in DE-XRT Sorting Images of Coal and Gangue [J]. Appl Sci-Basel, 2022, 12(19): 9850. (IF=2.7)
- DE-XRT coal preparation image overlapping and adhesion particle segmentation method [J]. Physicochem Probl Mi, 2022, 58(6): 155840.(IF=1.047)
- Dual-energy X-ray transmission identification method for coal and gangue with different thicknesses and densities[J]. Measurement, 2024, 225: 113718.(通讯作者,IF=5.6)
- 基于几何特征约束的煤矸DE-XRT精准识别方法 [J]. 煤炭科学技术, 2024, 52(5):262−275.(IF=4.258)
- 论文数据集:AUST-STK-Lab
- 论文源代码:AUST-STK-Code
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6/19~12/20 安徽省科技重大专项,结题,参与
12/21~12/23 安徽省高校协同创新项目,结题,参与
12/21~12/24 安徽理工大学硕、博士研究生创新基金,主持,结题
12/21~12/22 安徽省高校科研项目,结题,主持
12/24~12/27 安徽理工大学人才引进基金项目,20万元,在研,主持
12/24~12/26 合肥综合性国家科学中心能源研究院重大培育项目,1629万元,在研,参与
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- 博士研究生国家奖学金
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3/19~5/19 中科光电 煤机开发部
7/20~9/20 中科光电 煤机开发部
7/21~9/21 中科光电 煤机开发部